SKM Park Outlets
Popular 熱銷商品
New Arrival 最新到貨
Brands 品牌專區
Must buy 限時搶購
Guest Services

‧Information about various facilities and events.
Tax Refund Service:A4 3F / A8 3F / A9 B1F / A11 3F
‧Upon spending an accumulated NT$2,000 or more in a single store for one single day, the customer may apply for tax refunds by presenting his/her passport or visa.
Foreign Currency Exchange Service:A4 3F / A8 3F / A9 B1F / A11 3F
‧We exchange US Dollars, Japanese Yen, Euros, Australian Dollars, CNY/RMB and Honk Kong Dollars. (The Taichung Zhonggang store does not provide Euro and Australian Dollar exchange services)
Free WIFI:Whole Floor
Interpretation Service:Whole Floor
‧English and Japanese interpretation service. (on site or by telephone)
Coin-Operated Lockers:A4 B1F / A8 B1F / A9 B1F / A11 B1F、1F
‧Personal baggage may be placed inside the coin-operated lockers.
Lost-and-Found:A4 1F / A8 1F / A9 1F / A11 1F
‧Both lost and found items may be checked in at the Service Center.
Free Baby Stroller and Wheelchair Rental:A4 1F / A8 1F / A11 1F
‧Provides free baby stroller and wheelchair loan.

If you make purchases of more than NT$2,000 in a single day at the same Shinkong Mitsukoshi store, our sales representatives will be happy to assist you in filling out the official “Shopping List” you need to apply for your sales tax rebate.

Please bring your purchase list, ID (original), receipt and proof of purchase to the Shinkong Mitsukoshi foreign currency exchange center to apply for your sales tax refund on the day of purchase.
A.Shoppers making same-store purchases less than NT$24,000 (including tax) can opt to have the foreign currency exchange center issue an “Application for Confirmation of a Small Sum VAT Refund at the Same Site” to immediately collect the sales tax rebate in NT Dollars in cash less our 20% processing fees..
B.If same-store purchases exceed NT$24,000 (including tax), the foreign exchange center will issue an Application Form for Claiming VAT Refunds (see STEP 3).
From 2019/01/01
A.Shoppers making same-store purchases less than NT$48,000 (including tax) can opt to have the foreign currency exchange center issue an “Application for Confirmation of a Small Sum VAT Refund at the Same Site” to immediately collect the sales tax rebate in NT Dollars in cash less our 20% processing fees..
B.If same-store purchases exceed NT$48,000 (including tax) , the foreign exchange center will issue an Application Form for Claiming VAT Refunds (see STEP 3).

Please bring the “Application Form for Claiming VAT Refunds”, your original travel documents, receipts and purchased merchandise to one of the following locations to process your tax refund:
A.Within 20 days before you depart the country, visit the designated Downtown Tax Refund Service Center in Shinkong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Place A8.
The Refund will be given in cash in New Taiwan dollars, less our 20% processing fee and the applicable credit card pre-authorization charges (7% VAT included).
B.When leaving the country and before checking your luggage, go to the tax refund center or the self-help e-Service machine at the airport (or port).
You may choose to receive your refund in cash (NTD), by credit card or check, less our 20% processing fees and applicable charges for credit cards and checks.
Please Note
1.Acceptable forms of documentation: Non-ROC passport, ROC passport without national ID number, travel permit, entry and exit permit, and temporary visitor permit (required for refunds at ports and airports only).
2.Purchases must remain unpacked and be taken with you when you depart the country no later than 90 days from the purchase date.
3.Following the processing of your refund, items can only be returned or exchanged with the original receipt and proof of purchase. In addition, to ensure your tax refund rights during your stay in Taiwan, please present the relevant sales tax refund forms to the sales person.
4.For more information, please visit:www.taxrefund.net.tw